The missing “variable” to the successful “Agile” equation

From U.S. Soldier to Epiphany and Beyond! – The Final Takeaway

After retiring from the US Army and starting my career in Corporate, 1 constant has always prevailed in my transition period, GLOBALLY. A GAP in understanding and belief as to why there are so many issues in timely successful project deliveries as opposed to successful military missions. The Morale of the employees throughout their personal professional careers is slowly eroded over time, changing the mindset of said employees from highly motivated, “High Speed, Low Drag ”empowered employees into “drones”. This leads to loss of profit margins & retention as well as lowering dividends paid out to your investors. My intention is to provide the missing variable and define the difference between the 2 worlds of Business and Military as well as offer a possibly rare observation based on my experiences in both worlds.

Brent N. Cann

Recognized as a People’s Champion, Leader and Military Veteran with 30 + years of combined proven experience in the United States Army and Global Corporate Organizations. He is the Recipient of multiple awards for outstanding performance and professionalism.

Brent knows that without people there is no success and with motivated and inspired people, success comes at exponential speed, increasing revenue, profit and customer satisfaction percentages.

“Stop focusing on achieving financial results and start focusing on achieving employee satisfaction results. IF you do this the numbers will take care of themselves.” – Brent N. Cann

Brent brings extensive practical experience and knowledge to the table as value with his combined US Military and Corporate experiences in real world scenarios. He does not get swayed by title nor politics. His current role is Chief Executive Advisor in Joyful Craftsmen.